Sharpen your sales skills with these TED talks
Continuous sales enhancement is the key to boost your organizational growth. But making and growing the sales is not as easy as it seems.
You need to keep experimenting and run through new offers to get more customers coming.
Learning from the ones who have projected their sales skills is always a great idea. HubSpot’s Meg Prater has shared ten TED talks for the salespeople.
Prater says, “Great sales departments motivate their employees with incentives, contests, and — you guessed it — pep talks.
Viewed regularly by millions across the globe, TED Talks bring valuable new perspectives to the table.
Here are five valuable TED Talks from a productivity expert, a psychologist, an economist, a seventh-grade math teacher, and a motivational speechwriter to kick off your day.
TED Talks for Sales
1. Eddie Obeng: Smart Failure for a Fast-Changing World
The world is changing exponentially. The speedy exchange of information has changed all the rules of the business world — and that includes how you sell. In this TED Talk, Eddie Obeng highlights three important changes you need to understand for better productivity”.
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