Ecommerce websites and value of user experience design
Delivering a great user experience (UX) is the priority of most brands today. It helps them to keep the customers happy and improve customer retention.
Econsultancy contributor Jonathan McNamara has shared some useful points on why the UX is so important for the ecommerce brands and how they can rightly optimize their UX designs.
McNamara says, “Your customers are a fragile bunch.
They get spooked easily – particularly where money is concerned – and generally don’t pay a huge amount of attention to the detail of what your website has to say.
They will, however, be subconsciously wide open to how your website makes them feel.
Recognisable logos, headlines that resonate, attractive visual branding and relevant products are all things that will encourage them to stick around in the first instance. This then in turn obviously increases the likelihood that they’ll move forward to purchase.
So if I have those things on my website… I’m all good, right?
Well no, not really. Once your customers have got past this initial hurdle and made the decision to engage with your brand online, it’s at this point that your user experience – or in this case your ecommerce experience – comes into play “.
The value of user experience design for brands with ecommerce websites
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