Three ways to improve your paid search results
We spend a lot of money for getting listed in the search engines and get new customers. Search Engine Optimization helps you perform better in the search results.
Search Engine Land contributor Megan Taggart has shared three scheduled maintenance tips to help you improve your paid search results.
Taggart says, “Search practitioners too often get caught up in the day-to-day optimization and don’t pay enough attention to the bigger picture. Keyword sweeps, bid/budget tweaks, and ad/audience refreshes can chew up the calendar, resulting in less time auditing the big questions that connect back to overall business objectives. If you only evaluate strategy when performance tanks, it’s high time for a little reprioritization. Just as you schedule campaigns, creating a cadence to evaluate channel strategies is vital to improving paid search results.
Let’s examine three areas of focus that are ripe for routine, scheduled maintenance.
1. Assessing paid vs. organic strategy
Cadence: Bi-annually
Questions to solve:
- What is the true value of a brand campaign for our business?
- Should we be running brand campaigns?
If paid and organic programs are not intertwined, change that immediately. It’s essential that these are managed as integrated as possible in the marketing mix. Unfortunately for many organizations, SEO and Paid Search channels, data, and teams operate in silos and aren’t considered congruently”.
Improve paid search results through routine, scheduled maintenance
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