Enhance your YouTube following with these tricks
Video as we know is one of the most important marketing tools today. YouTube has made it easy for us to create and publicize the videos online.
Having a broad audience on YouTube means better marketing opportunities.
Content Marketing Institute columnist Dennis Shiao has shared some useful tips for getting more YouTube followers.
Shiao says, “While viewers have an unlimited supply of videos to watch, it’s a different story for marketers. With so much content available, how can creators gain a fair share of users’ attention?
Tim Schmoyer, CEO of Video Creators, offered some insight in his recent Content Marketing World presentation, How to Develop a Loyal YouTube Audience. Unless otherwise noted, images and insights come from his talk.
Think SEO with a twist
The goal of YouTube – like all content marketing initiatives – is to serve the right video to the right person at the right time, Tim says.
Google’s search engine similarly tries to serve the right content at the right time, but there’s an important distinction. Google serves up content like a concierge who seeks to answer a question and get the visitors on their way. YouTube, on the other hand, is like the hotel. It wants visitors to relax, unwind, and stay awhile”.
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