Return on Investment (RoI) assessment stats tell you whether your marketing campaigns are performing up to your expectations.

Content marketing has been well integrated into almost all forms of marketing today and it also requires to be assessed for the return.

Marketing Land contributor Casey Wuestefeld has shared some useful tips to help marketers measure their return from the content marketing.

Wuestefeld says, “In tracking return on content, there are two key areas where marketers should focus:

Engagement indicators

Two key engagement metrics to consider when it comes to content are time spent and scroll depth, but these measures should not be approached in silos, where on their own they can provide false positives. For example, a person might open a piece of content and walk away from the computer, driving up time spent but never engaging with the content. Meanwhile, if a person opens a piece of content and scrolls rapidly to the bottom, there’s a good chance they never actually read the content and were instead seeking something else on the page.

Fortunately for marketers, they now have the ability to look at a content completion rate that compares the amount of time a person spends on a page against the amount of time it would take an average reader to consume the content (a measure made popular by Medium), cross-referenced with scroll data”.

Measuring return on content: It’s simpler (and more important) than you think

Marketing Land

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