Planning has a special space in the marketing process. Effective campaign management can be achieved by developing a feasible marketing agenda and a plan to achieve it.

When holidays are here you need to utilize all the marketing tools for better ROI and email plays a vital role in the brand promotion.

AWeber contributor Li Willits has shared a checklist that email marketers can use during this holiday season.

Willits says, “There’s a simple way to launch a flawless email campaign this holiday season: Check your list and check it twice. Your holiday email marketing campaign checklist, that is!

We researched what the best holiday email campaigns have in common. Then, we created a checklist you can follow to ensure you have a merry and successful holiday season.

1. Create a holiday email calendar.

Keeping track of all the holidays (like Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, Hanukkah, the New Year) can quickly become overwhelming. Creating an email editorial calendar can really help organize the mayhem.

A calendar can also help you accommodate for the rest of your team’s time, which comes in handy if they’re helping with tasks like design, writing, or scheduling the message”.

The Checklist Every Email Marketer Needs This Holiday Season

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