The new year is just a few days away and its high time we prepare to get more business in it through different channels. Search engines stand as one of the strongest sources to drive more sales so we need to keep in tune with them.

The Forbes contributor John Hall has shared five SEO trends that can help the marketers to get more done in 2019.

Talking about the future of voice, Hall says, “Increased voice capabilities from devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo allow users to engage with content in new ways. Smart homes are getting smarter, and many smartphone users now rely on their phones to read search results out loud.

Clearly, making sure your content is optimized for the various ways your audience searches and expects answers is essential to getting your message seen (or heard, really). To optimize content for voice search, think about how content sounds out loud. Does it get to the point quickly? Is it conversational enough to engage? Is it easy to read and understand? These are essential questions to ask if you want your content to be found via voice search. And speaking of being found via voice search”.

5 SEO Trends to Help Marketing Leaders Prepare for 2019

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