Tips to convert more using your website
Your website plays an important role in getting more prospects and convert them into customers. A well-designed website that conveys the right message in an appropriate manner play a vital role in this process.
Business 2 Community contributor Karen Repoli has shared nine fundamental elements that can help brands build high converting websites.
Repoli says, “Your website is your storefront. In many cases, it provides a prospect’s first impression of your company. You know what they say about first impressions; you can only make one and it better count.
Invitation To Friend/Follow On Social Media
Social media is more than a trend or a tactic that you can use to build an audience. It’s as essential for most industries as a website itself. And merely having a social media “presence” isn’t enough; you have to let people know you’re active on social media by inviting them to interact.
If you have a WordPress site, there are simple plugins you can use to add social follow buttons.
Professional Quality Logo/Header
The world of Internet marketing is vast and competitive. While you can create your own blog header, you should probably leave it to the professionals unless you happen to be a design whiz”.
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