Paul Ponna is releasing new software later this week, called ChatterPal. It merges cutting-edge “Interactive 3D Avatar” technology with AI-based “SMART Chat Automation” to deliver results that no typical chat application can.

Your chats can take advantage of over 100 Text-To-Speech voices in 25 languages. As you might have guessed, ChatterPal takes advantage of the Alexa Amazon voices, just as Script Vocalizer did earlier this month.

You can use these chatty avatars (which have many customization options) to offer coupons, book appointments, take custom orders, offer customer support and whole lot more.

Prior to the release of ChatterPal, Ponna is offering an educational webinar to demonstrate how to use them.

Register to attend that webinar (which will offer the best pricing available) and learn more about this new technology here: ChatterPal.

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