Tips to Improve Your Mobile Marketing Strategy
Mobile has become the medium for the brands to stay connected with their customers. With an wide array of apps and mobile’s dominance in the social media segment, it is important to create a strong mobile marketing strategy.
Google’s Jason Spero has shared five questions answering to which can help you improve your mobile marketing insights.
Spero says, “Five years ago, I talked endlessly to companies about how having a mobile website was the new table stakes. Now, a mobile site isn’t enough — it has to be fast and provide a simple yet compelling user experience. Here are five questions to guide you through putting mobile at the center of your company’s digital transformation.
Is a mobile strategy a company-wide priority?
not enough to assign one team to manage your mobile strategy. Enhancing
the customer experience has to be everyone’s responsibility.
Executive leadership needs to invest in the right technologies and get buy-in across the organization. Marketing and analytics teams should be continually measuring and optimizing for new revenue opportunities. Developers need to be up to speed on the latest mobile development tools and techniques”.
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