‘Memorable Marketing Infographics’ Webinar March 20
The SEMrush team is hosting a Marketing Scoop series webinar ‘Memorable Marketing Infographics’ Wednesday, March 20, 2019.
SEMrush team says, “In
this week’s episode of Marketing Scoop, we look at 2 of the most
successful Infographics produced by the marketing industry for the
marketing industry. We’ll be looking at how to come up with creative
ideas for major content pieces; how to produce powerful, evergreen
content pieces that are infographic-led and the value that you might
hope to get out of such content.
Joining us are 2 great guests…
Scott Brinker, Founder, ChiefMartec.com
Jeff Sauer, founder, Jeffalytics.com
We look forward to having them both on the show!
As ever, the Marketing Scoop discussion will be hosted by David Bain and Judith Lewis“.
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