Five Goals for Creating a PPC Strategy
Defining your goals is quite important before you start your marketing journey. Similarly when you think of launching you PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns, you need to be clear about your objectives and actions.
The Search Engine Journal contributor Lisa Raehsler has shared five goals you can think about and set while implementing your PPC strategy.
Raehsler says, “Let’s take a look at five PPC goals and tactics that will help you accomplish each one.
Brand Awareness
PPC is often used for brand awareness to introduce and raise the visibility of a brand or product.
At this phase, we want to maximize visibility to a highly relevant audience, with hopes clicks will result in leading to the consideration phase.
Using PPC display ads can be effective if the targeting is on-topic by using keywords, topics, relevant placements, or combination of those.
These targeting tactics are the most general but will offer a wider reach”.
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