The Social Media Today team has published a new podcast episode titled ‘Ready, Set, Activate Your Digital Audience to Fall in Love with Your Brand’.

This podcast shares some useful ways to activate your audience.

The SMT team says, “In this 25 minute podcast you will learn: 

  • 10 ways you can activate your audience today
  • Why you must plan your conversion funnel – ‘hope’ is not a strategy
  • Why calls to action must be relevant and valuable
  • How to activate your audience to nurture relationships and build community
  • How to leverage live-streaming to activate your audience
  • Tapping into the power of Twitter chats to grow and provide value to your community
  • Leveraging Google Hangouts to grow your business
  • How to tap into the power of email marketing
  • Leveraging audio communication (like podcasting)
  • Why you need an RSS subscription option on your blog /website
  • How to use content marketing assets to activate your audience
  • Why earning trust and establishing credibility must be a top priority to activate audience
  • How giving your audience an insider, exclusive view can activate your audience”.

Ready, Set, Activate Your Digital Audience to Fall in Love with Your Brand

Social Media Today

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