Using Email Marketing to Improve Your SEO Performance
The Search Engine Journal contributor Jason Hennessey has shared an article highlighting six ways to help marketers improve their SEO results with email marketing.
Hennessey says, “Interestingly enough, email is one of the most tried and true weapons in your digital marketing arsenal that can help you carry out number 1 and number 3, which then helps you appeal to number 2.
Further, email is one of the most controlled platforms you have. You can actively segment your subscribers by interest, behavior, source, and more.
Let’s get specific and talk about the six ways you can use email marketing to rapidly boost your SEO results.
1. Discover What’s Behind the Query (& Use It)
If you’ve ever seen one of your competitors run surveys through email, they’re likely using them to help their SEO efforts.
As much as Google has developed its algorithm over the years to force creators to be more mindful about the quality of the content they’re creating, it makes one wonder:
What if there’s a faster way that requires less guesswork to figure out exactly what we need to say in order to completely wow visitors?
There is – and it is all about discovering the intention behind the query“.
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