The small business world is slowly catching up with the new digital reality: a business without a website is losing sales. But a poll by CNBC in conjunction with Survey Monkey reveals that there is still a large group of businesses that are hesitant to invest in a site.

Barriers include fear of the expected high cost, a feeling that the process is too complicated for the average business person, and concern that the investment won’t pay off.

Website building software(such as WordPress) and hosting providers (such as Wix) with special site building tools are making it easier for business owners to build their own websites, but many owners lack the awareness, the time or the self-confidence to do the work themselves. They want to hire a specialist to do the work for them.

You can read a detailed article about the results of the poll, along with interviews of small business owners, here:

You’ll be shocked to learn how many small businesses still don’t have a website


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