The Social Media Today team is hosting a webinar on ‘5 Keys to Unlocking Facebook ROI’ on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET.

This webinar will be conducted by Monica Ho, Chief Marketing Officer,
SOCi and Jay Ojea, Director, Solutions Consulting, SOCi.

The Social Media Today team says, “Facebook ads present the biggest untapped opportunity in digital marketing. To stay ahead of the competition, today’s brands are moving away from traditional advertising and towards affordable, efficient Facebook ads. 

Join Social Media Today, along with SOCi Chief Marketing Officer, Monica Ho, and SOCi Director of Solutions Consulting, Jay Ojea, for a new webinar as they reveal the advantages of Facebook ads, including:

  • Overcoming the plateau of organic reach
  • Scaling budget and targeting the right audience
  • Why Facebook is light-years ahead of traditional media”.

5 Keys to Unlocking Facebook ROI

Social Media Today

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