Here’s a List of Chrome Extensions for SEO
The SEM Rush contributor Ross Tavendale has shared a list of useful Chrome extensions for SEO.
He has compiled the list covering the areas like Utility/Technical, Search intelligence, Links and Workflow.
Tavendale says, “Now you know me. I absolutely love SEO people. So from the moment we start out as juniors all the way up to those really senior stages, we are amazing at hacking things together and building more functionality into what we do. That is why using Chrome is an SEO’s best friend.
Now since I have started, I have been using all these different extensions to make Chrome a lot more functional and ultimately help me save much more time. So this week we took to Twitter to ask the world’s SEO’s what plugins you guys are all using”.
Visit the following page to explore all the extensions.
Weekly Wisdom with Ross Tavendale: Chrome Extensions for SEOs
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