Five Ways to Improve Your Search Marketing Campaigns
Well planned search engine marketing campaigns help you to score higher in the search engine results and make most from your campaign investments.
The Microsoft Advertising blog contributor Stein Broeder has shared five tactics that can help you to get maximum ROI from your search marketing campaigns.
Broeder says, “Here are five pro tactics for combining search and native to engage consumers and amplify campaign impact:
1. Increase audience targeting precision
Reduce wasted clicks and impressions by reaching the right audience from the start. Leverage data around brand preference, product and service categories as well as search and conversion history to increase personalisation and relevance and deliver the right message at the right time to the right person. Employ user profile targeting in areas like age and gender or even professional profile. And don’t forget location and device targeting. Be sure that you are bidding on your target audience.
You should also be leveraging the signals that are relevant to your offering and audience to focus targeting. Take advantage of user intent targeting through remarketing, in-market audiences, custom audiences, and product audiences”.
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