Today we reach majority of our customers on mobile. So when it comes to email marketing, care is desired so that the emails are readable on the mobile devices.

The AWeber contributor Jill Fanslau has shared an useful article highlighting some ways to write better emails for the mobile subscribers.

Fanslau says, “Depending on your audience, as much as 77% of your subscribers may open your emails on their mobile devices — which means they’re staring at your content on a screen slightly larger than a credit card.

That’s why you should always break up your email copy into shorter, easier-to-read chunks.

Long blocks of text are difficult to read on a smartphone. They force the reader to scroll and scroll and scroll, which is a horrible user experience for your subscribers. Plus, long paragraphs make it easier for your subscribers to lose their place since mobile readers are often distracted readers”.

The #1 Tip for Writing Mobile-Friendly Emails


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