The MOZ contributor Cyrus Shepard has shared a list of 55 best free SEO tools for every task.

These tools are in the following categories:

  • Analytics
  • Crawling/Indexing
  • Keyword Research
  • Link Tools
  • Local SEO
  • Mobile SEO
  • Site Speed and more.

Shepard says, “There are literally hundreds of free SEO tools out there, so we want to focus on only the best and most useful to add to your toolbox. Tons of people in the SEO community helped vet the SEO software in this post (see the note at the end). To be included, a tool had to meet three requirements. It must be:

  1. Widely used by the SEO community
  2. Offers above-board value + actionable data
  3. Actually, truly free”.

The 55 Best Free SEO Tools For Every Task


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