Continuous learning is the key to improved marketing performance. Today we have multiple learning resources in the forms of newsletters, blogs, videos and podcasts. Sometimes it becomes difficult decide which resources are apt for you.

To help you in such a situation, the HubSpot contributor Sophia Bernazzani has shared a list of 13 podcasts that will help you to become a better social media marketer.

Bernazzani says “Social media is constantly evolving, making today an exciting time to work in marketing. This can also mean that you sometimes feel as if you’re falling behind on your general social media knowledge and education.

The solution? Podcasts.

In this blog post, we put together a list of 13 podcast episodes that deliver helpful and actionable guidance for social media marketers looking to brush up on their skills in a quick and entertaining way”.

Want to be a Better Social Media Marketer? Listen to These 13 Podcasts


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