Website development is a highly important skill you need have whether you are doing it yourself or outsourcing it. An appealing website helps you to win more customers.

The Ezoic Inc. contributor Allen Longstreet has shared eleven questions that you should ask yourself about your website. Have a look at the questions and the explanation to create a quality website.

Longstreet says, “Below, I will take you through the most important takeaways from the blog to understand why the information in this blog is still relevant to your site today.

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How does a publisher know if their content is worth being trusted or not? We wrote a blog on how to quickly add authority to your YMYL site, but the advice still applies to all sites as well. Here is a summary of the key points that factor into the relative trust of your website from Google’s perspective”.

Google Webmaster Guidance On Building High-Quality Sites

Ezoic Inc.

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