Creativity is an essential skill if you want to flourish your business by acquiring more and more customers and improving sales. You can give an edge to your marketing efforts by putting creativity at work.

The Inc. team has shared seven creative business podcasts to help you become more creative in your business.

Talking about the podcasts, Inc. team says, “Podcasts are exploding. In fact, as many as half of Americans listen to podcastson a regular basis, so it seemed like it might be time to give you a list of the best creative business podcasts that you should be listening to get inspired.

Since business podcasts are the fastest-growing category of new entries, there’s a pretty good chance there are probably a few you had no idea existed. 

With that in mind, here are seven creative business podcasts I recommend you subscribe to right now. 

1. Grammar Girl 

Mignon Fogarty hosts one of the most popular education podcasts, but frankly, it’s on this list because grammar is everyone’s business (see what I did there?) since how you communicate makes all the difference. Actually, as a creative journey, I like Grammar Girl because it wasn’t even Fogarty’s first attempt at podcasting. Her first attempt (a science podcast) was sort of a flop, but she bounced back with a second act that turned out to be a hit”.

The Top 7 Creative Business Podcasts You Should Listen to Right Now


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