Regular creation of content is important to keep your audience engaged. At the same time it is a big challenge to create and publish fresh content on the web. But by identifying the techniques to improve your content creation process you can deal with this challenge.

The Convince & Convert’s Jay Baer has shared four ways you can improve your content creation process.

Baer say, “Here are 4 ways to make your content calendar wildly successful, based on 9-minute webinine I recently presented with my friends at Airtable (love them).  

1. Stop Random Acts of Content

Creating random acts of content is the number one reason content marketing fails. Everyone is creating content, we we feel like we have to create content. We create content for no reason and without any real thought put into who this content is for and what the objective is.

Instead of continuously reinventing the wheel, I want you to create less content, but make each piece of content you create more effective.

What does this mean? You need to give your audience a chance to find your content in their preferred channel and format and deliver it them in a steady stream over a period of time. You can’t simply post an article and expect leads to contact you”.

4 Ways to Catapult Your Content Calendar

Convince & Convert

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