Advantages of using HTTPS in your website
By providing a secure browsing experience you can offer a great surfing experience to your visitors. The research statistics say that 82% people do not visit websites that do not have a secure certificate.
Quick Sprout team has shared an article on why your website needs HTTPS.
Talking about the benefits of the HTTPS, Quick Sprout team says, “Here are the top benefits of adding HTTPS to your website.
Any time you’re planning to make a change to your website, you need to know how that decision is going to impact your SEO ranking. After all, 93% of all online experiences start with a search engine.
When it comes to search engines and SEO, Google must be the driving force behind your approach. Back in 2014, Google announced that HTTPS would become a factor in its search ranking algorithms.
Here is an excerpt from that announcement. In summary, Google was telling all webmasters that they are encouraging HTTPS, and will be rewarding sites who use it”.
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