The SEMrush contributors Matt Siltala and Dave Rohrer have published a new podcasting beginners guide called ‘How and why you should start podcasting’.

This guide covers the importance and advantages of podcasting for developing your business online.

Siltala says, “Hi, my name is Matt Siltala, and I HATE writing. 

As I sit here and begin this guide I can’t help but feel a little weird as I am not a blogger or “guide writer”; I hate writing (we even talked about how much we hate it here). It was the fact that so many people have spoken to me about how to get started with podcasting over the last couple of years that led me to finally put down in writing what I and by proxy (Dave & I) have learned.

Some Truth Many Won’t Tell You

Before we really jump into it, I feel I need to point out that the Business of Digital Podcast is not perfect. Our equipment and set up is not perfect. We know this, and it is okay. If you wait for everything to be “perfect,” you will never begin a podcast”.

Podcasting Beginners Guide: How and Why You Should Start Podcasting 


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