Your website’s overall performance depends upon all of its components starting from the home page to all the web pages. The design of your web pages should be such that it helps the visitors to easily find and consume the information.

Jeff Bullas has shared seven psychological techniques to improve the performance of your site’s web pages.

Bullas says, “In this post, I’ll show you 7 psychological techniques you can use to keep people on your page. And to improve your rankings in Google and other search engines.

Plus how experts have used these techniques on their pages.

Let’s begin.

1. Tell a story

Stories are one of the most captivating human experiences. And this starts from early childhood. What is one of the best ways to connect with children and adults? Telling stories.

Because stories make us human.

Whether you engage in website SEO or you build websites or you fly to Mars, you are making stories. That is why history is a bunch of stories about the past”.

7 Psychological Techniques to Increase Your Web Page Dwell Time

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