Your search engine optimization performance depends on several elements starting from in-depth understanding of the search engine algorithm to selection of appropriate keywords. Quality links also play an important role in attracting the bots to rank your pages.

Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media Solutions has shared five steps for turning mentions into links and improve your SEO performance.

Crestodina says, “There are two main search ranking factors: authority and relevance. Relevance is about content and keyphrases. It’s about the page itself. This type of SEO is about writing.

1. Set up listening tools

This part of your PR-driven SEO program is going to be on autopilot. A tool is going to notify you every time your brand is mentioned. If you’re in PR or social media, this may already be familiar.

  • Media monitoring is a feature of PR tools. They look for brand mentions in news stories. These might have a big impact on SEO, but these tools don’t report on the website’s authority.
  • Social listening is a feature in a lot of social media management tools, but they only find mentions in social streams, which have no impact on SEO”.

5 Steps for Turning Mentions into Links

Orbit Media Solutions

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