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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

‘The future of webinar marketing: content reimagined’ webinar September 5 [webinar]

Webinars help you to connect with a wider audience and promote your business. Most marketing webinars are lead generation tools that provide free, valuable information to the participants and promote products or services offered by the host company. MarketingProfs team is hosting a webinar on ‘The future of webinar marketing: content reimagined’ on Thursday, September 12 at 2.00 pm ET. Attend this webinar to learn: Converting static content into dynamic webinars Moving webinars from presentation to conversations Building a Netflix-style inbound content hub How to turn digital engagement... [...]

Lead gen: a primer on developer marketing [report]

MarketingProfs team has published a report on ‘Lead gen: a primer on developer marketing’. MarketingProfs team says, “Developers understand the technologies that power the ads they see and are wary of many of the most popular tactics. But, if done correctly, banner ads have proven to be a critical piece of any successful developer-marketing strategy. This guide will show you some easy tweaks that will help you generate more leads in the short term while improving your brand’s reputation in the developer community over the long haul. You’ll learn about: Rethinking... [...]

‘Unlock your personalization potential with content’ webinar September 5 [webinar]

According to a Deloitte study people want products and services that are also tailored to them. 36% of customers want to purchase personalized products or services. So personalization is the key to your marketing success. Sitecore team is hosting a webinar on ‘Unlock your personalization potential with content’ on Thursday, September 5.. Sitecore team says, “Marketers’ acute need to produce content at the pace and scale necessary to fuel an abundance of channels has thrust them into a Content Crisis—and it’s now the biggest bottleneck to making personalization strategies... [...]

Four steps to optimize your website for voice search

With the increase in the use of mobile devices, optimizing for voice search is very important to achieve SEO success. According to a Gartner research, 30% of all browsing sessions will include voice search by 2020. Convince & Convert’s Ann Smarty has shared four steps to help you optimize websites for the voice search. Ann says, “Voice search has been a hot topic for a few years now, but digital marketers are still trying to figure out the best way to take advantage of it. While most digital marketers have a basic understanding of SEO, voice search is a more complicated issue. First,... [...]

16 Components of a killer branding & marketing strategy [infographic]

Apart from creation of a unique product or service, it is very important to have an equally unique promotional strategy. Most brands win customers with their out-of-the-box thinking. You need to consider all the facets of your planning when it comes to devising a marketing plan. The Hanson Dodge team has published an infographic highlighting the key components of a great branding & marketing plan. The infographic focuses the following: Competitive analysis Why you exist Brand architecture Creative elements Position Promise Reasons to believe, and more. You can access the infogrphic on the... [...]

How to create profitable authority niche websites #ad

Starting to make online sales can be daunting for a beginner, but is gets easier as an affiliate selling well-respected products for a commission payment. The best way to do that is to choose a niche (.g., golf, gardening, drones, etc.) and find products that people interested in that subject would like to buy. “But I don’t know anything about this,” you say. Well, that’s OK because the new Profitable authority niche websites training starts you from ground zero and takes you all the way to building a well-respected website in a niche selling products to people who are... [...]

‘Maximise your reputation and build trust with reviews’ webinar September 4 [webinar]

Positive online reviews help you to persuade people to buy your products and services. With reviews you can also gain the trust of your customers. Econsultancy team is hosting a webinar on ‘Maximise your reputation and build trust with reviews’ on Wednesday, September 4 at 9.00 am EST. Econsultancy team says, “With consumer reviews readily available on sites like TripAdvisor, and star ratings visible in search results, customers are making decisions about your brand before they ever visit your website — let alone a brick-and-mortar location. You need a comprehensive, scalable... [...]

Google’s four tips to optimize your landing pages

Your website’s landing page serves as an entry point for your visitors. To simplify, it is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result. Since people see it most, you need to put in your best efforts to convert visitors into customers. The Google Marketing Platform team has shared four tips to optimize your landing pages for conversions. On making your website mobile-friendly, the Google team says, “When visiting your site, customers expect an experience that is fast and well-designed — no matter the device they’re using. In... [...]

The right way to handle reviews in 2019 according to Yelp [podcast]

Several studies shows that online reviews play a vital role in purchase decisions. You need to be careful about getting positive customer reviews so that you brand grows in desired manner. Convince & Convert’s Jay Baer has published a new podcast episode ‘The right way to handle reviews in 2019 according to Yelp’ featuring Adam Brown of Salesforce. Listen to this episode and learn: Interesting statistics about how people leave reviews based on customer service and the speed of service Why it’s so important for brands to respond to reviews How brands have listened to Yelp... [...]

How to improve your marketing with research?

Research plays an important role in your marketing strategy. It helps you in decision-making processes by supplying relevant, up-to-date and accurate data. Those who run their marketing campaigns in successful manner do study and research. Content Marketing Institute contributor Michele Linn has shared seven things that marketers do with research and improve their performance. Linn says, “I recently dug into this topic for a study my firm conducted with our friends at BuzzSumo. We surveyed nearly 650 marketers. While the majority consider original research to be effective, some marketers... [...]

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