‘The Truth About Personalization’ Webinar October 23 [Webinar]
Segmentation and personalization play an important role in improving your marketing effectiveness as both of these elements pave a way to reaching out your audience – personally.
Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘The Truth About Personalization: Using a CDP to Personalize Marketing on the Channels That Really Matter’ on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 1.00 pm EDT.
DMD team says, “In this webinar, Tom Treanor from Arm Treasure Data shares the results of a new Forbes personalization survey with industry benchmarks collected from marketing leaders from global 2000 companies to help better define what’s working, what’s not, and how a Customer Data Platform can be used to maximize personalization results on the right channels that matter for your business.
Marketers will learn:
- What personalization consumers expect and want from companies and which channels actually matter to customers and prospects and where to get the best ROI for your marketing dollars
- Strategies for segmenting your customers/prospects by using the data you already have to compete with the data goliaths like Amazon, Netflix and more.
- How a Customer Data Platform can help enable marketers to be more data driven”.
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