Many of our readers know that their productivity (getting the work done as efficiently as possible) is an essential factor in their level of marketing success. Waste hour on one task and another one gets pushed off till the next day. If that happens often, blogs don’t get updated, ads don’t get written and sales suffer.

Any tips and any technology that help us do our work well and quickly can lead to better productivity, better job satisfaction and better end results.

This problem is faced even more vividly by people who work from home, as many of our readers do. All the normal office-related interruptions are compounded by door bells, telemarketers, children needing an injury dealt with, etc. On top of all of these external productivity thieves, there is procrastination, that master criminal of productivity theft.

That’s why we found a recent article at Fast Company‘s website interesting. Jared Newman tells of a new piece of software from Google, called Desert Island, and, as he reports, “it replaces the colorful grid of app icons on your home screen with just their names in black text. Your seven must-use apps appear on the main screen, while the rest hide behind a lengthy alphabetical list.”

That removes distracting items from your view, so you aren’t as tempted to click on them. In his own case, Newman says this simplified setup, which hid Twitter, helped him break his addiction to checking Twitter frequently. As he reports, “Like a lot of people, I’ve developed a bad habit of checking social media during practically every idle moment. It doesn’t matter if I am at home, at lunch, or out with friends or family. I’ll find a way to glance at Twitter…”

If that sounds like you, take a look at Newman’s article. So far, Desert Island only works on the Android platform, and Google describes it as an experiment, so there’s no telling whether it will be ported to other platforms.

By the way, scroll on down (way on down) the page while you are there. There’s an article on procrastination by Camilla Halstrom that can help a lot of us.

I finally beat my Twitter addiction—with Google’s help

Fast Company

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