SEO keywords are used in website copy to attract relevant, organic search traffic and improve your site ranking. Well defined keywords help your target audience to find the most appropriate content on your website.

Distilled contributor Robin Lord has shared eight steps to help you rank your website for specific keywords.

Lord says, “I’ve started working with teams who have spent months or years trying to perfect their technical setup, who’ve invested thousands in link building campaigns but haven’t made sure they include the keyword they are targeting on the relevant page. 

I will explain in more depth below but here are the first eight things to do to find out why you’re not ranking;

  1. If you used to rank – check what changed
  2. Do the quickest and easiest technical checks
  3. Ignore link building until you know there is no other explanation
  4. Make sure the keywords are actually relevant to your site
  5. Make sure you have a page targeting the keywords”.

How Do I Make My Site Rank For a Keyword?


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