CMI Shares 90 Content Marketing Predictions for 2020
With new platforms content marketing continues to evolve year-by-over. Content marketing is set to evolve in different formats such as video, audio, infographics and more.
Content Marketing Institute contributor Stephanie Stahl has shared 90 content marketing predictions for 2020.
Stahl says, “During his rousing keynote presentation at Content Marketing World 2019, Henry Rollins offered this take on the future:
We are not going back to anything. We’re not going back to dial-up phones; we’re not going back to anything ancient … The old must give way to the new. The new must come in with intensity, with innovation, with great fury and speed.
How do we evolve our programs for changes rushing in? That’s the question we put to Content Marketing World and ContentTECH speakers, award winners, and other industry thinkers.
Despite the “great fury and speed” of the new, many who shared their vision of content marketing in 2020 implored marketers not to forget about the basics:
- Spark conversations instead of blasting marketing speak.
- Revisit the fundamentals of message creation and delivery”.
Back to the Future? 90 Content Marketing Predictions for 2020
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