The Best Ways to Grow Your Podcast Audience [Video]
To level up your marketing game you should use all the tools and resources available around. Podcasting is one such way to reach out your audience and promote your products and services along with the free advice.
Lifehacker team has published a new video titled ‘The Best Ways to Grow Your Podcast Audience’ to help you launch and grow your podcast series.

Abu Zafar says, “Launching your podcast is half the battle. Now you have to get people to listen. In the video above, I chat with expert podcasters about the three things you should do to gain listeners and grow your audience.
This video is part of our series on podcasting, offering up no-bullshit advice to help you become the best podcaster you can be. The first episode was about the 5 things you should do to prepare for your first episode. The second episode explained how to capture and produce high-quality audio“.
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