Search engine optimization plays a vital role in growing your business by getting listed in the search engine results. By observing latest algorithm updates you can continue to achieve better results.

Content Marketing Institute contributor Mike Murray has shared 20 SEO tips for keyword rankings in 2020.

Murray says, “Here are 20 realities, stats, resources, reminders, and practical steps you can follow this year.

1. Backlinks are vital

Regardless of their size, companies can always benefit from more links. They’re the lifeblood of domain and page authority, which continue to be a significant ranking factor. Eric Enge puts it in perspective in the most recent Perficient/Digital 2018 study, Links as a Ranking Factor:

(W)e don’t find that links can rescue poor quality content or cause low relevance content to rank. Also, all of our efforts focus on getting recognition from, or content published on, very high-authority sites. Doing this well requires a focus on how you implement your marketing and PR to get in front of the audiences that matter to your business the most”.

20 of the Best SEO Tips for Keyword Rankings and Google in 2020

Content Marketing Institute

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