LinkedIn is the professional social media site. Nothing else compares; not Facebook, not Twitter, not Instagram; nothing. The people who use LinkedIn are professional business people, often business owners or highly placed people is a business. They can be good prospects for what you are selling.

If you offer services to other businesses, LinkedIn is the site where you should do your prospecting. You will find many more potential clients there than any other site we know of.

Now there is a more efficient way to search for clients on LinkedIn. Linkedtify 2020 is a suite of software developed to optimize your LinkedIn profile which results in more engagement with prospects, increase in connections and ultimately more leads that you can convert into clients. With this new software, your LinkedIn return of the investment of your time will improve noticeably.

The first edition of this software was released in 2017. There is a fresh new version, customized for the 2020 business environment.

Here’s what you get in this new SaaS application:

LinkedIn Banner Maker

Create beautiful looking LinkedIn Profile Banners in just few minutes.

LinkedIn Headline Generator

Grab immediate attention with a persuasive headline and entice people to view the rest of your profile where you can showcase your products and services.

LinkedIn Group & Company Banner Creation

Create great looking Linkedin Company Banners and Linkedin Group Banners Pages.

Linkedtify Message App

Linkedtify messaging is a simple but highly effective message generator. It consists of 5 message apps

Connection App

Effective first message “swipe” templates allowing you to communicate with anyone on LinkedIn

Follow Up App

Sample messages with what to say after someone responds to your message.

Referrer App

Asks your connections to refer you to their connections.

Recommendation App

Give back to others with the LinkedIn Recommendation tool.

Who Viewed Me App

When someone views your profile on LinkedIn, you’re immediately alerted and you’re shown exactly who’s viewed you. Now you can use the other apps to interact with them.

If you aren’t using LinkedIn, it’s time to start, and this new software will give you a head start. Get it here: Linkedtify 2020.

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