Disabled Grandma supports herself online #ad
Her grandkids call her Memaw. Her son, Jeremy Kennedy calls her Mom. She’s had some severe health problems. Jeremy tells about her illnesses that disabled her here: Memaw Cochran’s Illness.
She is no longer able to work in her real estate finance job. She needed something she could do from home that wasn’t too techy, since she knew nothing about computers. And, in her financial circumstances, she couldn’t afford much expense. It needed to be nearly free.
With Jeremy’s help, she got started online. She came up with a process that anyone could use online; no expertise needed (after all, she had no online expertise.)
Now, with urging from Jeremy, she has prepared a training program that explains how you can do what she did and build your own online business. She calls it Grandma’s Ecom Revenge.
It apparently met a need for other beginners because she has sold over 500 copies in 3 days. Not all the buyers were grandmas, presumably, just beginners.
She isn’t getting rich, so if that’s your goal, this is no more than getting you started and familiar with online work, while earning a bit to help you get by.
In Grandma’s Ecom Revenge,she has recorded over 4 ½ hours of detailed over-the-shoulder training, covering every aspect of her business.
You’ve heard the expression, “Been there; done that.” Well she went through a lot of learning when she got started, and it involved some struggle. She wants to make sure you don’t have to struggle as she did. That’s why she is so detailed in her training.
And she made it inexpensive, so nearly anyone can afford it.
If you aren’t doing too well online, check out this new training. It may turn your business around. Get it here: Grandma’s Ecom Revenge.
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