Customer satisfaction is the key to retaining them for longer and strengthening your business. Usability testing helps you to keep your costs down and save time.

Hallam contributor Joseph Powell has published an article on usability testing.

Powell says, “Usability testing is the key to keeping your customers happy. Not only will it help them, but it also helps you to keep costs down and save time.

Best practices and common sense will only get you so far. Gaining an understanding of how your customers engage with your product through usability testing is key to increasing customer satisfaction.

What is usability testing?

Usability testing refers to evaluating the effectiveness of a digital product or service to measure if it is easy to use. Commonly called user testing, it is one of the most simple and effective ways of increasing your growth and profitability.

Why should I do it?

By testing the right thing, with the right people, at the right time, we can reduce the risk of building the wrong product. In the long run, this will save time, money and improve customer satisfaction”.

Why it’s important to do usability testing


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