Content publishing is the best way to give an edge and expanded reach to your marketing efforts. Podcast publishing is one such thing that gets you followers who could be prospects and later – your customers.

Rainmaker’s Darren Vesterfelt and Tim Stoddart have published a new podcast episode ‘Podcasting Still Matters’ featuring Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income.

Rainmaker team says, “These days it seems like everyone has a podcast, but there are some pretty staggering stats that show podcasting is just as viable for connecting with an audience as it ever has been.

In this episode, Darrell and Pat talked about:

  • How Pat got his start in podcasting, and why
  • Why its not too late to start a podcast
  • The reason you don’t need to break the bank or get in the weeds launching your show
  • Why podcast production gets easier by the minute
  • The power of storytelling and teaching in content production
  • How Pat’s podcast strategy has changed over the years and the 20% rule he uses
  • An examination of Super Fans and their importance for your business
  • And a defense of self-publishing”.

Podcasting Still Matters, with Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income


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