Google Marketing Tools: Ultimate Guide
In Marketing’s Paul Hewett has published ‘Google Marketing Tools: Ultimate Guide’ to help you improve your marketing performance with Google’s tools.
This comprehensive guide will help you to learn about various tools and how to use them.
Hewett says, “This month we launched our Google Marketing Platform Singapore meetup. The event was a huge success and we will continue to host events on Google Marketing Platform tools every third Thursday of the month in Singapore. We started with the latest Google Search & Tool Updates, followed by a presentation by our resident Analytics and Google expert, Benoit Weber, on Google marketing tools.
Google Marketing Tools: Ultimate Guide
Google marketing tools enable you to interact with your users at different stages along their customer journey.
We will provide a brief overview of each of the tools, what they do and for each of the products, we will provide an example of how the tool could integrate or be used with other Google Marketing tools or Google Cloud Products.
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