Analyzing the Importance of Blog Comments for SEO
Blog comments were a popular link building tactic for several years. And link building would result into better SEO performance. But spamming caused a great harm to this technique.
Search Engine Journal’s Shelly Fagin has published an article to share some insights on blog comments and SEO results.
Fagin says, “Even though blog commenting is useless for link building, when utilized properly, it can potentially result in an increase in traffic to your website.
Within the blogging community, it’s a common way to help gain exposure and form blogger-to-blogger relationships when you engage with others in your niche by posting value-added commentary and support to other bloggers.
As a site owner, user comments on your content can help improve your rankings.
Lots of comments left on a post will not only signal that your content is highly engaging, but it can also provide additional valuable and indexable content that’s a supplement to your own”.
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