Guide to Creating and Optimizing Landing Page with AI
Your product landing works as a magnet for attracting new prospects and converting them into customers. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI) technology you can improve landing page optimization and create more sales.
Unbounce contributor Garrett Hughes has shared five ways to create effective landing pages and optimize them with AI.
Hughes says, “We’ve always said that the most effective landing page structure includes five core elements. Below, we’ve got ideas for how you can use variants to optimize each one of them, plus examples of brands that are already doing it right:
- Unique Selling Point (USP)
- Hero Image & Page Design
- Features & Benefits Copy
- Social Proof
- Call to Action (CTA)
Variant Idea #1: Try Changing Your Unique Selling Point (USP) in the Headline
If you’re new to landing page optimization, experimenting with your unique selling point (USP) might be the quickest way to get started. Changing the way you frame your offer can help you stand out from your competitors”.
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