Many of our readers know of Dr. Mani, a pediatric heart surgeon in Chennai India. Readers know him because he raises support for his hospital and surgery by training people in marketing products online.

He has written many books with information on various online marketing topics, books that he has sold online. This wasn’t a “slam dunk” process. He learned his marketing by careful trial-and-error.

After a few years of learning, he became a respected expert in online marketing and started teaching others what he had learned.

He has recently produced an e-book specifically tailored for people who have written a book and want to market it online: Email Marketing For Authors.

Although social media are becoming more and more important (and shouldn’t be neglected), email is still the most productive form of digital marketing.

In this training, Dr. Mani will show you:
► What to do in designing your email campaigns and what to avoid
► What to say in your emails and when to send out your messages.
► Where to find quality subscribers and how to add them to your list.
► How to sell more books to a “hungry crowd” that is eager to buy from you.

It doesn’t matter how experienced you are with email marketing. Even if you only know how to send personal email messages, Dr. Mani will show you how to write winning email sales copy.

Remember, Email Marketing For Authors is tailored for the needs of authors, although most of the training will apply to all email marketing.

Did you now that free gifts can build your email list quickly. Dr. mani shows you how to selct quality gifts to attract the right subscriber base.

He also shares 5 power principles of email marketing, strategies that will make you stand out and get noticed even in a crowded, noisy inbox.

He even includes a 10-message email sequence that actually worked in the real world to make his ebook a ‘Top 100 Best Seller’ on And all he used was effective email marketing,

Find out more about Dr. Mani, his medical work, his marketing expertise and his email training here: Email Marketing For Authors.

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