Host Location and SEO Performance: Questions Answered
The search engine optimization performance depends on several elements like content, website design, keyword selections, site speed and more.
It is also important to know whether your host location makes any difference to your SEO.

Search Engine Journal‘s Shelly Fagin has answered your questions on it.
Fagin says, “There are two aspects to consider about the location your hosting company uses to host your website as it relates to your organic rankings.
Site Speed
The first aspect is the effect it has on your site speed.
The closer a site visitor is to the datacenter that hosts your website, the quicker it will load for them.
Being a local business, I always recommend finding a local datacenter in or close by to the city my client works in and targets.
Making sure your website loads quickly for your site visitors and customers provides a much better user experience all around, so it’s win-win.
While it has not been proven that search engines use server location as a ranking factor, there has been some strong evidence to show that the IP address of a website can affect the rankings of the site”.
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