If you need to discover how to retain and re-engage your customers for increased loyalty and repeat sales, check out the latest sale from Content Sparks: Keep Your Customers For Life

As with all the courses on sale (only through tomorrow), this one can help your own business, but is also designed for you to teach to other businesses, under your own name (there will be no mention of Content Sparks in your student materials or presentation slides), to build your expert credentials and to create a revenue stream for you.

Keeping customers long-term is every business’s goal so Keep Your Customers For Life is top-of-mind and actionable for business owners right now. Create a webinar or a podcast or even an ebook and there should be a long list of prospective customers.

BONUS: 5-Day Quick Wins Challenge is included for people who invest in the complete “Blaze” package. This is a set of daily emails to use and action steps to follow for running a quick challenge.

The challenge is delivered as a set of emails you send, one per day, to your followers. Each email gives directions for one step in the business process of getting quick marketing wins. You are challenging your followers to take action as you guide them step-by-step to the successful conclusion of this business process. You are giving them the clear path to follow to the successful conclusion.

With this challenge, that is already built for you (just copy, add your own name, and paste), you can get up and running immediately. While you are preparing/customizing your main course, you can give your followers valuable information and motivation to use that information, and in the process, keep them interested in you and your training.

Today and tomorrow are the last days of the sale. Now is the time for action, here: Keep Your Customers For Life.

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