Cross-domain tracking refers to the process of tracking multiple domains in a single Google Analytics property. It allows you to collect data from multiple websites into a single reporting view.

Conversion Uplift contributor Neal Cole has published ‘A Guide To Cross-Domain Tracking in Google Analytics’ to help you extend your Google Analytics coverage and improve your marketing performance.

Cole says, “You won’t need cross-domain tracking when users go between different sub-domains. Sub-domains are used to categorise different sections of a website, from blogs, stores and bookings. For example if we created a store on our website we might use as the web address. However, ‘store’ remains on the same overall domain of ‘’ and so Google Analytics will automatically track users going between sub-domains.

6 Steps to Implementing Cross-Domain Tracking:

There are six primary steps to complete for successfully cross-domain tracking. I will take you through each of these steps in detail, but they are;

  1. All domains send data to the same Google Analytics Property.
  2. The domains are added to the Referral Exclusion List of the GA Property  admin settings.
  3. The target domain has the _ga=1.23456.34567.45678 linker parameter in the URL”.

A Guide To Cross-Domain Tracking in Google Analytics

Conversion Uplift

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