Common JavaScript Errors That Can Harm Your SEO [Video]
Yesterday we published a post about JavaScript SEO. To help you further, we are sharing a video dealing with JavaScript.
Search Engine Land team has published a new video ‘Common JavaScript errors that can harm your SEO’ featuring Martin Splitt.
The SEJ team says, “One popular misconception is that JavaScript simply does not work well for search engines. “Well, you could [have JavaScript work well for search engines] if your JavaScript wouldn’t be roboted, so we [Google] can’t access your JavaScript,” Splitt said. When using external JavaScript files as part of the page, some SEOs and site owners use their robots.txt file to block Google from accessing that code, unaware of the consequence. This does not break functionality for users, but will disable search engines from fetching that JavaScript to render the page.
In contrast, “We do see people breaking websites for users, rather than for search engines,” said Splitt. These sites are indexable, but do not provide a good user experience as they may need to send abnormally large amounts of data to load a simple list of products, for example”.
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