Natural language the way we speak naturally. With the advancements like big data and machine learning, search engines are beginning to understand the very nature of content —without the help of keywords used by the Internet users. Search engine results improve with the help of natural language processing.

Portent‘s Evan Hall has published an article on improving SEO with natural language processing tools.

Hall says, “I want to talk about BERT and what it means for SEO, but I want to give some context around the problem first and dispel some misconceptions that are still with us.

Early approaches to web search were just applications of information retrieval technologies; not much more advanced than library keyword search applied to web documents.

Since search engines were simple, SEO was pretty simple. Back then, SEO was easy: just strategically add your target keyword around the page until you ranked higher than your competitors. That’s what gave rise to concepts like “keyword density,” an idea that has overstayed its welcome.

About 12 years ago, the hype in NLP was around word clustering approaches, such as Latent Semantic Indexing. It never turned out to be super useful for writing better content, because it was never for that”.

Natural Language Processing Tools for Better SEO

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