Effective keyword can help you to rank well in search engines for specific topics to drive traffic to your site and promote your products and services by enhancing your marketing effectiveness.

Vertical Leap contributor Dave Colgate has shared five clever ways to do keyword research.

Colgate says, “Basic keyword research isn’t enough to get you ranking high and winning ad auctions anymore. So, in this article, we’ve got five smarter ways to go about keyword research that will help you find new opportunities and become more competitive in search.

#1: Target keywords by intent, not volume

The natural instinct in keyword research is to assume that queries generating the highest search volumes are the most valuable. This isn’t always the case though. Yes, they might generate a lot of traffic but they’re also going to be the most competitive and, more importantly, they often result in fewer conversions.

“Don’t underestimate less popular keywords. Long tail keywords with lower search volume often convert better, because searchers are more specific and intentional in their searches. For example, a person searching for “shoes” is probably just browsing”.

Five clever ways to do keyword research

Vertical Leap

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