To provide a safe surfing experience to your visitors, you need to use the right tools. By integrating security plugins in your WordPress blog, you can enhance your blog security.

Quick Sprout’s Lars Lofgren has shared a list of six useful WordPress security plugins for your blog.

Lofgren says, “There are so many different security plugins available for your website. How can you know which one is the best WordPress security plugin?

Rather than taking weeks to go through and research all of them, you can just review the ones that I’ve listed in this guide. I’ve identified the top six WordPress security plugins of 2020. Use this information to increase your WordPress security and add credibility to your website.

1. MalCare


The MalCare  security plugin is trusted by the likes of GoWP, WPBuffs, and Cloudways — so you know you’re in good company with them.

This is a security plugin you should get if you want to save time and energy. Their malware removal is fully automated, removing viruses and bad actors in less than a minute. They also protect your website from their own servers. That means you’ll never experience a slowdown on your site when they scan for viruses”.

Best WordPress Security Plugin – (Review Updated for 2020)

Quick Sprout

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